Patient Surveys and Results
2016/17 Survey and Results
To see our 2016/17 survey and results, click PPG report 2016/17
Patient Feedback 2014/15
In previous years, the practice has been required to consult with the PPG to produce a patient survey, report on the results and come up with an action plan.
For 2014/15, a patient survey as such was not required. Practices were asked to examine a variety of sources of patient feedback (which could include a survey) to come up with an action plan.
As in previous years, the practice had to produce a report for the Primary Care Organisation (formerly Somerset Primary CareTrust, now NHS England) containing information about the PPG, the feedback, the resulting action and its impact.
Practices are required to publish this report, in a standard format, on their practice website.
To see our 2014/15 report, click here PP DES Standard Reporting Template 2014-15
2013/14 Survey and Results
To see the patient survey questionnaire (now closed) 13-14 questionnaire
To read the summary of results and the action plan 13-14 Patient survey results
To read the report submitted to NHS England 13-14 PPG DES report
To read the updated 2012/13 action plan 11-12 plan updated
2012/13 Survey and Results
To see the patient survey questionnaire (now closed) Patient questionnaire 12-13
To read the summary of results and action plan Results and plan 12-13
To read the report submitted to the PCT PPG Report for PCT 12-13
To read the updated 2011/12 action plan 11-12 plan updated
2011/12 Survey and Results
To see the patient survey questionnaire (now closed) patient survey
For the summary results of our patient survey go to Results Poster and for detailed results click Detailed Results
To see the letter and sign up form that was sent to a random sample of patients in an effort to create a ‘virtual’ patient group invitation
To see the template report that has been submitted to NHS Somerset Local Patient Participation Report Template 12-08-11