Ordering Prescriptions via your NHS Account
If you have an NHS account, you can order repeat prescriptions using the NHS website or the NHS App from a smartphone or tablet and the link above. This service will give you access to ordering repeat medication at your own convenience.
You may not be aware that your NHS account will track the status of your medication order and provide you progress updates. It is important to review the tracking, as requests can be rejected from within the parameters of the NHS account and not be delivered to the surgery’s system.
Please keep a check on your medication order status as we do not wish for you to come to the surgery expecting your medication to be ready when the request has failed delivery and a rejection message remains unactioned from within your account.
Prescriptions can be collected anytime from 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday. Please note that the dispensary is closed daily between 1:30 - 2pm. During this time we are unable to dispense controlled drugs or answer any medication queries and you will be asked to return to the surgery during the dispensary opening hours.
Repeat Prescriptions
The safest way to order your repeat medication is to order on-line. This avoids any transcription errors at this end and sends you a message if we have declined to issue your order.
Many people prefer not to use the internet in which case, please use the printed slip that comes with your medication. Allowing at least 3 working days only ticking the items needed.
Order Monday - Collect Thursday
Order Tuesday - Collect Friday
Order Wednesday - Collect Monday
Order Thursday - Collect Tuesday
Order Friday - Collect Wednesday
You can then
- drop it into the repeat prescriptions box situated in the reception foyer
- put it through the letter box if we are closed
- post it to us
We would prefer you to use these methods rather than the telephone but if you do need to telephone, please use the dedicated phone line which is open from 9.30am until 12.00pm Monday to Friday. The telephone number is 01278 655464. Repeat requests are not taken on the reception telephone number.
Please note our new Prescription Line hours that will commence on the 1st April.
Monday to Friday - 09:30 - 11:00 and 15:00 - 16:00
On each repeat prescription you collect there will be a repeat slip attached. Please keep this for your next order. In the top right hand side of this slip, there is your unique computer number. It is really useful if you have this to hand when phoning as it makes identifying your computer record much quicker.
Our prescribing policy both in consultation and for repeats, is for 28 days supply except for a few specific medications which are issued for longer. If you need more because you are going away on an extended holiday for instance, please let us know. We cannot continue to supply medication for people who are living away from home for more than three months.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.